Joshua Rosenthal

"What I love most about Using Gemstones to Connect with Your Superpowers is that you can really feel Alex’s loving energy infused into the book as you read it. She provides simple, fun, and practical ways to empower you and your loved ones to be the best version of yourselves. The illustrations are gorgeous and will take you on a visual journey that reconnects you with the healing energy of nature and your imagination."

Joshua Rosenthal

Founder of Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Tryz Studio

Tryz Studio provides thoughtful, custom, brand & web design for growing wellness entrepreneurs who want a brand and web design to build their confidence as they grow their business. Through Tryz Studio, you will experience my expertise as a designer & also as a certified health coach, who understands your industry as well as your specific brand & web design needs. Grow your brand - and reach, educate, and serve your ideal client seamlessly.


Melissa Ambrosini