The Courage To Be You: Lessons from Leo Season and Beyond


Farmer's Market in Telluride, Colorado


As August draws to a close, I’ve been reflecting on the deeply nurturing summer I spent in Telluride, Colorado. I’m now back home in Massachusetts for a short while before returning to the mountains. The spectacular nature there has been so healing, drawing me outdoors and away from my computer. It also taught me valuable lessons about honoring my true self.

Embracing Authenticity: The Heart of Leo Season

Although Leo season has passed, its themes of self-expression and authenticity continue to resonate deeply with me. This month has been all about finding the courage to be yourself, and little by little, I’ve learned to attune to and honor what my body, mind, and soul are requesting of me—and to embody a more authentic version of myself.

I used to be disconnected from my body’s needs, and even when I recognized them, I would override them for various reasons. It was a conditioned way of being, one that required courage to break free from. I also held the belief that if I wasn’t being “productive” and checking off my massive to-do list every day, or if I didn’t have a thriving career, I wasn’t worthy. It took a lot of conscious effort to let go of these ingrained beliefs.

Eventually, I realized that my worth isn’t tied to my to-do list, career, or title—it’s inherent within us all. This realization was a profound act of self-honoring. It has taken much awareness, practice, and yes, courage, to embody this knowing, and I’m still a work in progress. Can you relate?

The Courage to Do Nothing: Honoring Your Needs

When we recognize our innate worth, we can deepen into self-love and self-care, honoring what we truly need—including having the courage to do absolutely nothing. I gave myself a lot of this space while in Telluride this summer. That space is where our healing takes place, allowing our body and mind to heal on their own. This space nourishes the spirit and becomes the birthplace of our most authentic selves and potent creative ideas. Self-worth also gives us the courage to be more genuinely ourselves.

Carrying Forward the Courage to Be You

As we've bid farewell to Leo Season and are nearing the end of summer, let’s carry forward the courage to be our authentic selves. While the summer may have brought shifts and challenges, these experiences pave the way for us to recognize our innate worth, gifts, and unshakable strength. It’s a potent reminder of our power to shape our reality according to our deepest, most authentic desires.

I hope you’ve given yourself the gift of simply being you and have savored moments of stillness, rest, and the spaciousness this creates within us. If you haven’t taken time to slow down lately, I invite you to create space in these final days of summer to rest. That’s right—block off your calendar and give yourself permission to do nothing. It takes courage to prioritize yourself in this way, but it’s a powerful act of self-honoring.

Reclaiming Your Authentic Power

The lion-hearted qualities we've cultivated encourage us to reclaim our power as creators of our own lives. This begins with an introspective journey, examining the facets of our lives that yearn for transformation. It’s often in our daily habits and routines that we inadvertently surrender our inner strength—whether through overindulgence, distractions, or neglecting practices that nurture our creativity and self-care. Recognizing and changing these patterns requires courage.

By creating more space in our days, we can become curious observers and conscious creators rather than victims of our conditioning. No matter what is happening in the world, now is the time to remove stories of victimhood and reclaim our creative authority. Let’s embrace our inner fire, setting ourselves on new pathways that lead us toward practicing positive beliefs and actively engaging with the world as our most authentic selves.

The journey toward reclaiming your authentic power is a profound shift that awakens your inner creator and empowers you to step boldly and genuinely into the world. Remember that you are worthy, capable, and strong, and that you have the power to determine your own destiny. It takes courage to fully embrace this truth, but it’s the key to living authentically.

Ritual for Embodying Your Authentic Self

To help embody these lessons of self-worth and authenticity, try this simple yet powerful ritual:

Visualize a blazing golden sun in your solar plexus chakra, the seat of your personal power and courage. Feel this warm, golden light clearing away anything that no longer serves your true self—old beliefs, fears, or external expectations that have kept you from being authentically you. As you do this, sense your confidence expanding, not just as the creator of your reality, but as someone deeply in touch with their authentic self.

Take three slow, gentle deep breaths. With each inhale, draw in the courage to express your true self. With each exhale, feel the fire of the sun expanding within your body, burning away self-doubt and reinforcing your inherent worth. As you continue breathing, visualize this empowering energy radiating out into the world, touching everything you with the transformative power of your authentic self.

Tiger’s Eye for Authentic Self-Expression


As we transition into a new season, consider working with Tiger’s Eye to support your journey of authentic self-expression and self-honoring. This powerful stone can help you feel calm and confident as you embrace the courage to be yourself.

Visualize Tiger’s Eye piercing through any lingering fog of self-doubt or unworthiness, clearing the way for you to fully embrace your authentic self. As this fog clears, imagine your innate worth shining through, unobstructed and radiant.

In clearing this fog, Tiger’s Eye can lead you to the self-awareness needed for setting boundaries that protect your authenticity and balancing your emotions as you step into your power. It serves as a reminder that your worth is inherent, not earned, and that your most powerful impact on the world comes from a place of genuine self-expression.

As we step into autumn, may you continue embracing the courage to be your authentic self, honor your needs, and recognize your innate worth. Remember, you are not defined by your productivity or achievements, but by the beautiful, unique soul that you are. It takes courage to live this truth every day, but it’s a journey well worth taking.

With Love,



Transcending Polarities: Insights and Rituals for the Upcoming Solar Eclipse