Healing Anxiety, Depression & Panic Attacks
Be present with the sunset every evening and remember that the sun will rise again, as it always does.
Fear, anxiety, and depression are currently at an all-time high. While we cannot control what is happening around us, we do have the power to shift what is happening within us. Collectively, this is a unique opportunity to pause, go deeper within ourselves, and begin to heal what is out of balance.
I feel especially called to share during this time because of my own experience with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.
I traveled to India in 2014 and became severely ill for an entire month after drinking water from a dirty tea kettle. I had lost about 25 pounds and a few months later, I started losing my hair as well. I went to see a physician who told me my immune system was very weak—he recommended stem cell mobilization treatment to boost my immune system and heal the brain fog that I had been struggling with prior to my trip to India. After a few treatments, I stopped losing my hair and felt better—but then began to periodically lose consciousness, followed by severe 10-hour panic attacks for several days in a row. This left me with severe anxiety for at least a year where I could barely go anywhere or do anything, or even listen to the sound of the ocean without devolving into a panic attack. All my senses were on overload and day-to-day life was a struggle. I began experiencing severe depression every evening, so I had to go to bed early every night to try to avoid it. For a short time, I had to take a small dose of an anti-anxiety prescription because it was so bad and I didn’t know how to control it, but as a holistic person I was committed to finding natural ways to prevent panic attacks and to heal anxiety, which I will share with you here.
Prior to this, I had never experienced panic attacks, depression, or anxiety. I felt betrayed by my mind and my body—like I couldn’t trust myself. I had spent the past 20+ years eating organic and (what I considered) healthy food, living a conscious lifestyle; and I was a trained health coach, so I was confused and devastated about struggling with my health. It was very humbling. What I didn’t realize at the time is that the body is a very sophisticated bio-computer that doesn’t make mistakes. Something was out of balance and I needed to pay attention to what that was—and heal it.
My healing journey took several years and was a slow and deep process.
What I realized was that my anxiety was there to illuminate things I needed to work on within myself, like:
loving and accepting myself as I was
setting boundaries for myself and not over-giving or trying to be someone I’m not
shedding guilt around doing what I love and what nurtures me
reaching out to friends, family, and practitioners for emotional support
being infinitely gentle to myself, slowing down, and spending more time in nature
more deeply trusting myself and my inner guidance, and trusting my body’s ability to heal
creating non-negotiable daily rituals that help me stay balanced and bring me joy
When I did not honor the lessons that my anxiety was trying to teach me, my symptoms deepened. I began to realize how sacred these lessons were to my health and happiness, and to take them more seriously. Can you relate to any of these?
If you are struggling with anxiety, panic attacks, or depression, I want you to know you are not alone. Please reach out for help if you feel lost. Even before this global health situation, when I shared my journey with others, many people I spoke to opened up about their own anxiety. I realized how many of us struggle, or have struggled, with it.
Anxiety is a messenger and if you listen, you will grow in ways you did not expect.
As Eckhart Tolle recently shared in response to the global health situation, we go deeper when we suffer adversity—deeper towards our true essence. It makes us more of who we are, which is who we are meant to be in this life. I agree. While this is challenging, we are being forced to go inward and dig deeper; we will individually and collectively come out of this with a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and this planet.
While I still experience some anxiety, occasional mild depression, and rare panic attacks when I am under a lot of stress and out of alignment and integrity with myself, the volume of these has decreased significantly. Healing is a journey and there’s a gift that comes from surrendering to the process.
Below are my top 10 tips for healing anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. I hope they bring you or your loved ones some relief.
Top 10 Tips
Slowing down…going deeper…simple things healed me.
#1 Breathe
Our breath is our connection with our soul—that calm and wise part of ourselves. When we are feeling anxious and depressed, it is likely that our breath is shallow because we are in a fight-or-flight state. Breathing more deeply is one of the simplest, most powerful ways to send a message to our body that we are safe and that it can relax. A daily breath-work practice was an essential part of my healing, and doing some deep breathing exercises was especially helpful when I felt a panic attack coming on.
Here is a simple breathing technique to get you started:
Sit somewhere comfortable
Breathe slowly and deeply
Breathe in through the nose for a count of 2, and out through the mouth for a count of 4
Do this for 1-3 minutes
If you feel like you can breathe deeper, breathe in through the nose for 3 and out through the mouth for 6
The key is that the exhale is twice as long as the inhale; this sends a message to our nervous system to relax
For more quick and easy breathing techniques, please check out my Instagram “meditation” highlight.
#2 Be gentle with yourself and honor your needs
Your anxiety is a messenger that is asking something of you. Take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask yourself what you need in that moment. Maybe you need to...
take a nap
write in a journal
let off some steam (maybe do push-ups)
get a hug (this is a great remedy for an anxiety attack)
talk to a friend or family member
go to bed early
drink less caffeine and alcohol
drink more water
get a snack
eat healthy and nourishing foods
release self-judgment
move more slowly
do some breath-work
do a crystal meditation
clear some clutter
take a bath or shower
spend time in nature
go for a walk outside, stretch, do yoga or exercise
do something creative
take better care of yourself
put on something soft and cozy
limit negative news, shows, etc.
limit screen time and social media
get a massage or do a warm oil self-massage
reach out for help (i.e. therapist, somatic or EMDR therapist, or energy healer)
use your essential oils (DoTerra Citrus Bliss and Breathe uplift, while Balance grounds)
realize that whatever you accomplished was good enough for the day and that tomorrow is another day
realize how beautiful, worthy, and amazing you are, that everything that happens is part of a divine plan, and that things will get better
Your body is an intelligent, sacred energetic and biological system that knows what it’s doing and is trying to protect you and “speak” to you—listen to it. It is constantly guiding you to a higher state of being and consciousness. When you surrender, you create space to allow for healing and for your life to flow better—you just need to trust.
#3 Meditate
Meditation is a powerful way to let go of thoughts and feelings that have built up inside, and to relax our nervous system. It is also a powerful way to connect with our inner guidance system and inner calm. When we meditate regularly, our life begins to flow with greater ease. See my Instagram “meditation” highlights or check out these meditation apps: Insight Timer or Calm.
#4 Time In Nature
Time in nature is one of the simplest ways to heal. Get outside as much as possible and soak in the healing vibes of nature. For simple healing nature meditations, visit my blog.
#5 Movement
Movement like walking, dancing, pilates—or whatever form of exercise feels good for you—helps to release pent-up energy that presents as anxiety. You may need to choose more gentle forms of exercise.
#6 Eat Healthy
Eating healthy positively impacts our emotional state and is essential to maintaining mental health. Crowd out the junk by increasing fruits and veggies daily. Try to avoid foods that don’t make you feel your best.
Eat every 2-3 hours to maintain your blood sugar; low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can lead to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks
Fruits provide essential sugars to the brain that curb anxiety and depression; oranges are particularly great for depression
Other great foods are bananas, avocados, leafy greens, wild blueberry, mango, dates, and raw honey
Eat grounding foods that help root you into the earth (root veggies like sweet potato, warm foods, soups and teas)
The Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie by Medical Medium is a great way to rid your system of heavy metals that may be short-circuiting your nervous system
#7 Hydrate
Dehydration alone can cause anxiety. Hydration is critical; add fresh squeezed lemon to water to boost hydration. Also, Lemon Balm Tea is a great way to soothe the nervous system.
#8 Give Gratitude
Giving gratitude helps to powerfully shift your mind into a more positive state. Cultivating a positive mindset is essential. Every night before bed, write down 5 things you are grateful for and why.
#9 Affirmations
Affirmations are another tool to shift your mindset, which is important because our thoughts affect our biology and our experience of reality. Become aware of a negative thought you have about yourself or your life. Now write down the positive opposite of that belief starting with “I am…” It’s important that it’s in the present tense. An example of an affirmation is “I am healthy, happy, and safe.” Write it on a sticky note and put it somewhere you will see it throughout the day. Repeat it to yourself often.
#10 Activities That Spark Joy
Try doing something creative or exploring activities that have always interested you, but that maybe your practical mind has pushed away.
Interestingly, it was during this period of severe anxiety that I authored my first book, which was the most fulfilling work I have ever created in my life until this point. Creating something (writing a book and designing the illustrations) was deeply healing for me. It was something positive for me to focus on that had meaning to me and brought me joy—and that I could share with the world. As a former New York lawyer, this seemed impractical and like a waste of time prior to this. But through my challenges I realized that taking time to do what brings us joy is essential for our health and wellbeing. It’s how we connect with our soul’s purpose. Take time every day to do something that brings you joy (start with 10-15 minutes).
Tips for Panic Attacks
Since panic attacks require more immediate attention, below are some things that could help when you feel one coming on.
Remind yourself that you are safe and that you will be okay!
Lean into the panic, be present with it, don’t fear it—try to hear what it is asking of you
Drink orange juice and then eat some substantial food to maintain your blood sugar
Do a breathing exercise (see breathwork exercises above)
Reach out to a friend or family member for support
Ask someone to give you a big bear hug (it works)
Divert attention away from your mind:
Take a warm shower
Put on some music and/or sing
Watch something funny on TV or YouTube
Try hypnosis (I like grace space hypnosis app)
Try tapping, a gentle technique to release anxiety
Put one finger in the center of your chest and another finger on your third eye with a bit of pressure on each and repeat the following with authority until you relax: “I am calm, centered, and relaxed”
Use a heated blanket if you’re cold
Use a natural supplement that helps you relax (I use Magnesium or Valerian)
Have you been holding back sadness or anger? Let yourself cry if you're sad; push against a wall or do some push-ups to release anger
Inhale essential oils, such as DoTerra Citrus Bliss to uplift you, and Breathe to open your breath, and Balance to ground you
When your mind calms down:
Make sure you eat every 2-3 hours so that you don’t become hypoglycemic
Eat warm and grounding foods likes soups, potatoes, and other root vegetables
Make sure you’re well-hydrated
Let yourself rest as much as you need to
Research natural calming supplements to soothe your nervous system (I use Magnesium)
Reach out to a healer for some soothing energy healing (reiki) or get a massage
Avoid coffee, energy supplements, alcohol, and recreational drugs
Do warm oil self-massage with an oil (like almond oil)
If you feel depressed, reach out to friends and family for support
Do the top 10 tips regularly
I hope this helps you or a loved one. Please let me know if you have any questions. I also want to share a book I recently read that is filled with great tips, called “Own Your Anxiety” by Julian Brass. It’s an easy and great read.
Do you know anyone who could benefit from these tips? Please share!
Also, I would love to hear from you in the comments below—what was one thing from above that was helpful and that you would like to incorporate into your life?