Dropping Into God Consciousness

From a very young age, I felt that I was part of a higher, divine power, something that we are all a part of and that connects us all. I personally refer to it as God, the Universe, Cosmic Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Creativity, or Source—but whatever religious or non-religious label you give it is perfectly fine. It’s something most of us have felt at one time or another—that presence that is a source of infinite love, bliss and peace. It’s that deeper awareness that we are all one on this beautiful blue planet, in this infinite Universe, and that life is so much deeper, and more magical and mystical than we realize. 

Most of us don’t pay much attention to it as we go about our daily lives, but it is a profound, untapped resource that has the power to shift the course of our own lives and of humanity. 

Could connecting to this feeling, this source, be more critical to our well-being and our personal and collective growth than we realize? I believe so.

I like to call it “dropping into God consciousness” and believe this should be part of our sacred daily practice, as ingrained as brushing our teeth. Think of it as your power source—where you go to plug in your “electric car” (body, mind & soul) to reset and recharge. It’s the most powerful thing in the universe that reminds us who we really are, beyond the conditioning and the labels that have been conferred onto us and that we have conferred onto ourselves throughout our life.  The more we connect to God consciousness, the more that conditioning (the illusion of who we think we are) drops away and the more we can be our authentic selves—who we truly are and are meant to be in this precious life of ours. If God is the ocean, we are the drop in the ocean—and regularly tapping into this ocean is more important now than ever. Prioritizing it daily will provide us with the guidance, the roadmap, that we all seek in order to create a more balanced, joyful, and fulfilling life and the peaceful world that we all deeply yearn for.

But how do we drop into God consciousness daily? It’s way easier than we might think and we have access to it at all times, regardless of our circumstances. Being able to connect to God consciousness is a superpower we are all born with because we are that God consciousness—when we refer to our divine self, highest self, authentic self, our intuition, our soul, we are referring to that divine consciousness within.  By divine design, we are all connected to this source and can tap into it as we wish.

Here are 4 simple—but powerful—ways to drop into God consciousness daily:

1. Spend Time In Nature

Spending time in nature daily is one of the simplest ways we can drop into God consciousness. The human body is made up of the elements of the earth—we are nature. So staying connected to nature and its rhythms is essential to our wellbeing. Take at least 5 minutes every day, to walk outside, look at the sky, feel the air on your skin, feel the sun or rain caress your face, hear the sound of the birds, and take a deep breath with the awareness that you are one with nature. 

Here are some other ways you can enjoy the outdoors:

  • go for a long walk or hike

  • walk barefoot in the grass 

  • hug a tree or sit under one

  • roll around in the snow

  • exercise outdoors

  • eat a meal outdoors

  • lay in the sun for 15 minutes 

  • do your work or creative project outdoors

  • stop and smell the flowers—and admire their beauty 

  • take a dip in the ocean, river, or lake (or at least dip your feet and hands in)

  • collect some beautiful stones (and return them to the earth when you’re ready)

  • sit outside and listen to the birds or cicada in the summer, watch the animals and insects do their thing

Choose how you prefer to interact with nature and do it daily. Fully embrace the nurturing, supportive and healing energy of nature.

2. Meditate 

There are many types of meditation, but start simple. Even a daily 5-minute meditation will drop you into God consciousness.  

Below are some different meditation techniques to explore. Find what works best for you.  

Simple 5-Minute Meditation — Simply sit comfortably with your back supported, head free, and eyes closed. Use the mantra “I am” to remind yourself that you are divine, you are God consciousness. A mantra is a word, phrase, or sound used silently in meditation to help with concentration. Repeat it to yourself at an effortless, gentle pace and let it become a whisper in your mind.

Stargazing Meditation — I love this oh-so-simple meditation. I have done this intuitively since I was a child and it was always profoundly and instantly healing for me. In the evening, when the sky is clear, head on outside and be present with the sky. Take a deep breath in, and a long breath out…let it all go. Just look at how the stars twinkle as if to wink at you and remind you, “I got you, babe.” Imagine the glowing white light from the stars, filling your body and washing away any stress. Let the stars, the sky, and the moon put life into perspective and remind you that you are part of something infinitely bigger—something deep, magical, and magnificent. Allow yourself to feel fully loved, protected, supported, and guided by the Universe. Spend 3-5 minutes soaking up the magic.

Breathwork Meditation — Our breath is our body's connection to our soul—and when we connect with our soul, we are connecting to God consciousness.  Breathwork is a powerful balancer of the mind and connects us with that sensation of bliss, peace and balance. We tend to hold or shorten our breath which creates stress and anxiety, and disconnects us from our power source. Join me for some simple meditations to get you started via my Instagram highlights.

3. Get Creative

People often think that being creative means being artistic, but it’s so much more. Chase Jarvis, author of Creative Calling, says it best—creativity isn’t limited to the arts, it’s the ability to make your ideas manifest in the world—it can be business, activism, writing code, doing a collage, creating a family, etc. It’s about what truly calls you in life. You may need to think back to when you were a child. What moved you? What excited you? What makes your soul happy? Do a little bit of that every day and you will be dropping into God consciousness because you will be connecting with your soul's desires. Think of God as a creative force, and this world and everything in it as a creation—because we are one, we are also creators by nature. 

I’ll share something with you that I hope will help. When I was a child, I loved collecting rocks. Heck, I’ll admit that I was the only person I knew in my 20s that had an actual rock collection. And as some of you may know, I still collect rocks (shiny, colorful ones—crystals). For most of my adult life thus far, my practical mind would not have allowed me to think that I could somehow integrate my rock obsession into a career as an adult. But it turned out that writing a book about crystals was the first thing I have ever done in my life that actually made me truly excited and brought me the most joy—and it’s making a difference in kids’ lives. So please don’t judge yourself or belittle your passions—do more of whatever it is you love, daily. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated or take a lot of time—just do those simple things that bring you joy and make your heart sing—snap a pic, sing a song, or simply start to look into something that calls to you.

4. Give Gratitude

Gratitude is a simple but powerful way to shift our energy and drop into God Consciousness. Every evening before bed, write down 5 things you are grateful for and why. Notice how it shifts your feelings and mindset. 

Start with one of the practices per week or month, but try to gradually integrate all of them into your life.  Do these daily and begin to notice the shift in your life…things will flow better, you may begin to notice synchronicities and serendipities, and you will feel greater joy and ease begin to blossom in your life.

What is one thing you would like to try in order to drop into God consciousness more regularly? Please comment below. If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please share. 


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